Opportunities That Your Social Media Strategy May Be Missing

Regular Posting on Social Media to get maximum reach and more follower is not enough as social media platform like Facebook as changed is algorithm due to which getting your post notices is become more difficult. So just posting on your page might not get you enough reach. There are some factors that affect your post reach and can give you more follower:

  • Scheduling your post :- Data shows that we humans tend to schedule on even time increments (e.g., 9 am, 9:15 am, 9:30 am) however that doesn’t account for your actual audience’s behavior– they aren’t as uniform with their social activity. Through Social media optimization tool, your posts are published at the exact minute most of your followers are on at that moment and have the highest chance of seeing your content. 

  •  Post on the weekends :-We have found that most publishers reduce their number of social posts on weekends. This is likely the result of staff constraints (most social media professionals work Monday-Friday), but may also be a result of the perception that there is less social engagement on weekends. However, because of this, it means that a decrease in competitor content is an opportunity for you! This lull in social content gives you a chance to capture the weekend audience your competitors normally wouldn’t.

  •  Recycle your post :-Want to increase the reach of your posts by an average of 172%? Recycle! Because of algorithms, only a small percentage of your audience sees your content at any given time (less than 10%). If you have a post that is performing well with your audience, you’re going to want to recycle it (even cross-post it across your other pages and accounts) multiple times in a week, over months or even seasonally (depending on the story). Posts can be recycled as many times as you’d like however our data shows that content recycled for the third time is the average point where you begin to see diminishing returns:
    • Most users will not even see your initial post at all(white portion of the oval)
    • Of those who see the post, most will only see it once(light gray areas)
    • A very few will see it two times(darker gray areas)
    • And a very few will see if all three times (the darkest gray area)

    DigitalMonika can help getting the more reach to your social media post.

    For SEO/SMO services in Faridabad :-
    Website : http//www.digitalmonika.com
    Email: contactdigitalmonika@gmail.com


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