Web Development trends you should follow in 2019 to be the top

In the world of internet to get your website to be in the top you should always follow the latest trends and be updated in the new technologies as your little ignorance can cost you a lot and you can lose your valuable customers. The user experience of your website should always be fresh and refined to retain your customers and to attract more of it. Having a good-looking website is not enough now the days, it should give what your customer is looking for like having customer support to resolve their queries and your website should load faster in all device’s and give the same experience as well.
After diving deep into all the trends that are trending in the world of web development we are presenting you some of the most valuable and useful trends.

Trends that you should follow in 2019:

1.       Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP): AMP is a free Open-Source framework to create mobile pages that can deliver content more quickly. It is consisting of HTML, JS and Cache libraries with a specific extension and AMP properties which accelerate load speed. The AMP Project was announced by Google back in 2015 to improve the performance of the mobile web. In just 1-year a from its launch AMP pages accounted for 7% of all web traffic for top publishers in the United States. The key benefits of implementing AMP in your website is its speed ups website load time, increase mobile ranking and improve server performance.

Google AMP

2.       Chatbot For 24*7 Client Support: Providing your client a good after sale support also a key for success. If you have more clients but not able to provide support and resolving their query, then you can easily lose them. At this scenario, Chatbot plays a major role. A chatbot is a computer program or an AI which communicate with the customer via auditory or textual methods. Chatbot can provide your customer with 24*7 support due to which you don’t have to hire a full-time service representative. As chatbot is powered by AI so all doubts of the clients are solved in the best possible way. Having a chatbot in your website can provide a boost to your website in the next few years.

3.       Single Page Applications: Reloading the whole page even for a small piece of information can irritate you the visitor and you can even lose them. SPA is an application that fits on a single page and provides visitor information dynamically with refreshing the whole page. This entire process improves website performance and user experience as well. SPA is responsive also that means they can run on the desktop, tablet, mobile or any other device. Facebook, Google is the most popular example of a Single Page Application.

4.       Internet Of Things (IoT): Not only Mobile and desktops are connected with the internet. Devices like vehicles, home appliances that contain electronics, software, sensors that connect, interact and exchange data over the internet are also in the network and this network in know as IOT. According to a survey, there will be almost 31 billion connected devices by 2020 and this huge growth in IoT devices will also impact the web development as a company will tend to control these devices through website and mobile. And even to provide better customer support company will demand to integrate these devices with websites.

5.       Static Websites Are Still There:  It is true that dynamic websites are growing much faster than their static counterpart. But don’t think that they are dead. There are huge numbers of a website that comes daily over the internet but only those websites survive and show more growth who has a simple, straightforward design and have a quick load time. A static website can fulfill these requirements very easily and will be a cost-effective solution for the business provider. An interesting design, a good user experience, and informative content can take a static website to the top easily.

Website designing

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"Being Expanded"


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